Lavender Sugar Radiance

Lavender Sugar Radiance

It is my birthday week! AND I am finally getting all caught up on my blog posts! AND this color is AMAZING. Well, the color is great...but the polish's features are even better. 

tea Beauty, which I can find absolutely no information about online, put out this line of scented polish. I didn't even know this polish was scented until I popped open the bottle! 

While having great coverage with two coats, it also had a great, non overpowering scent. Although not long lasting, the scent was nice for the time that it did last. 

This polish was also THE FASTEST DRYING POLISH I HAVE PUT ON THIS YEAR. Omg. For real. So fast. I want more. 

I have been holding on to this polish for a while now and am so mad at myself for not trying it sooner! It proves even my brain has a slight stigma against drugstore brand polishes...shame on me!

I got this polish from my local CVS, but you could try checking out your local drugstores or super centers. If anyone can find out more information about this polish or if it has an online store - or a way to buy more online, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know! I want more sooooo badly. 

Also, if you want to share your nails with me, I will post about them on the blog!!! 

Anyways, Happy Birthday to me!
Be Radiant!



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