Jamaica me Crazy Radiant

Jamaica me Crazy Radiant

We are almost nearing the endddddddd! Only two more weeks left! But for this week, I picked a fun color that's also a little wild...It is Christmas shopping season...that makes me a little crazy...

This Essie color is called Jamaica Me Crazy and it's a super fun color. Its Bright, Shiny, and a little Spunky. I have enjoyed wearing it!

The first coat of this color seemed a bit streaky and watery, but after I put the second coat on, the polish evened itself out. Adding the top coat sealed the deal for a great look. 

Like all Essie colors, Jamaica Me Crazy had a a moderate drying time. Pretty normal for this brand I'd say. It also had a pretty normal wear time. It lasted (with base and top coat) a bit over a weeks or so. 

If you want to get your hands on a bottle of Jamaica Me Crazy  just check out your local super center, drugstores or your local Ulta store. Essie polishes can also be purchased online on sites like Amazon.com

If you have some great nails to show off, share them! I would love to show off our nails on the blog!

Be Radiant!



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