Lucky Lucky Lavender Radiance

Lucky Lucky Lavender Radiance

Happy week of St. Patrick's day! I originally was having trouble picking a purple color that would fit for this week of the year, but then I realized that I had a color that's title said it all! 

Lucky Lucky Lavender is a fabulous OPI color that embraces a mix of baby pink and purple. And the title was perfect for this week, which is all about having the Luck of the Irish. I hope you find this color as wonderful as I do!

When applying this color, I used a new base and top coat combination by Sparitual. I love this combination because it cuts down on my bottle clutter. So, I used the Spartiual as the base coat, then put on two coats of color, and finished up with the same Sparitual again, but as the top coat this time. 

This color by OPI needs two coats to look wonderful, but they don't have to be thick! I put on two very thin coats and Lucky Lucky Lavender made my nails look amazing!

Would you like to get your hands on Lucky Lucky Lavender? You can purchase this color on or your local Ulta store or OPI dealer. The Sparitual Multitasker can be found at as well as your local Ulta store. I got both of my bottles at my local Ulta store. 

It's going to be Easter soon, so I totally had to share this image someone else posted! It's Lucky Lucky Lavender with a little bunny! And for those of you who don't know, I am a huge fan of Rabbits! 

Also, don't forget that you have until 6pm tonight to enter for your chance to win a free bottle of nail polish! Just go to the post I Want to know! and post a comment to be entered to win!

Be Radiant!


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