A Radiant Mani in One Bottle: Update!

A Radiant Mani in One Bottle: Update!

It has been almost One week since I painted my nails with Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure and I am so impressed!!

There is a little bit of wear off on the the tips of my free edge, but it isn't really noticeable unless I'm poking you in the eye. 

This excites me because I really have put some mileage on my nails this week. I have done tons of dishes, showered a bunch, cleaned up after 170 preschoolers, had chemicals on my hands from cleaning, used an exfoliating face scrub and much much more! 

The color itself has stayed so so beautiful, although I do feel that it has dulled a bit faster than polish with an actual top coat painted on top. 

All in all, I would give Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Mani a Thumbs Up! (yes...I am a diehard Supernatural fan...) I also would totally recommend this nail polish product as a great polish for a quick, but also lasting, simple manicure. 

Interested in getting a bottle of the I Lilac You Complete Salon Manicure? You can use the Sally Hansen Store Locator to find a bottle near you. Or just try your local Walgreens, Walmart, Target, CVS or Rite Aid. 

Be Radiant!


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